Completing Challenges

Event Authors create Challenges for Players to solve. When a Player selects a Challenge, a Challenge Description interface appears with the following information:

  • Challenge Description – Contains the Challenge Name, Category, and Description of what to do.
  • Difficulty – As determined by the Event Author (CHUI recommends terms such as easy, medium, hard, K-12, college, etc.)
  • Points – Arbitrary point number determined by the Event Author to balance the Challenge difficulty within an Event. Many Events will not prioritize Points but rather look at overall Challenge completion… it’s up to the Event Author!
  • Status – Incomplete or Completed
  • Submit – Type your answers here! CHUI will indicate whether you answer is correct or incorrect. Answers match EXACTLY, close doesn’t count!
  • View External Files (Optional) – Some Challenges contain links information outside of CHUI. ALWAYS USE CATION WHEN INTERACTING WITH UNKNOWN LINKS ON THE INTERNET!
  • Flag – The correct answer that a Player entered to complete the Challenge.
    Note: It is possible that an Event Author can challenge the answer AFTER you have already completed the Challenge. CHUI will display the answer that a Player typed to complete the Challenge, not the new answer. However, if a Player or Event Author resets the Player’s Progress, then the Player will need to enter the new answer as the original answer would no longer be valid.

View External Files – This buttons does not appear unless the Event Author added an extra link to accompany the Challenge.

Often, External Files will be links to other web tools, drive links, or downloads. External Files enable Event Authors to distribute more complex Challenges than a simple text description can provide.

These links are NOT associated with CHUI or Cyber Hedgehogs and should be treated with a high level of security awareness.

Feel free to contact Cyber Hedgehogs to report malicious or inappropriate links.

Flag – Appears in the bottom right after a Challenge has been successfully solved and the Status will change to Completed.

Check the Leaderboard to view your Progress or consider generating a Progress Report PDF from the Home tab of the Main Interface!

Team Mode: When a Player joins a Team to play an Event, Flags and Progress are automatically shared to all other Teammates within a few seconds of one Player solving the Challenge. See Solo/Team Mode or Launching Events for additional context.