Each Event has its own Leaderboard for tracking Progress. Logged in Players will automatically post their Progress to the Leaderboard associated with an Event when Challenges are completed. The Leaderboard prioritizes by Points.

Double Click the Leaderboard Scores button in the upper right of the Game Interface to view the Leaderboard for that Event.
Note: A single Left Click will not open the Leaderboard.

Select a Player on the Leaderboard to see when they completed each Challenge in the Event and how they are earning their total score.

The Leaderboard automatically updates when the bars fill in the upper left.

Logged in users will generate Progress and appear on the Leaderboard.
When you solve at least one Challenge, the Leaderboard indicates your position in the upper left.
Note that position is not the same as rank since ties are common.
Your Leaderboard entry will also be permanently highlighted for easy locating.

Filter the Leaderboard by timeframe using the drop-down menu in the upper right.

The Export .csv button will download a .csv of the entire leaderboard similar to the Event Builder Tool.
The Graph All button will generate a graph view of each Player’s Progress similar to the Event Builder Tool.
Both of these buttons will use the data for the entire Leaderboard (regardless of whether you’ve selected a timeframe filter from the dropdown in the upper right).