Interface Controls

Players interact with the Game Interface through the following Keyboard and Mouse controls:

  • Left Click / Double Click
  • Scroll Wheel
  • Click and Drag
  • Copy with Ctrl + c
  • Paste with Ctrl + v

Left Click on the Challenges in the animation to view the details of the Challenge and submit your answer.

Rolling the Scroll Wheel will zoom in and zoom out on the animation.

Click and Drag on the center of the animation to rotate the Challenges.

Copy Challenge description text by highlighting the text with the mouse (Click and Drag) and then pressing Ctrl+c on the keyboard.

Paste this text outside of the game using Ctrl+v on the keyboard.

You can also paste text that was copied from outside of the game into the Submission field using the same techniques.

When you have the correct answer, the animation will trigger!

Double Click the buttons in the upper right to access the Leaderboard Scores or to Quit to the Main Menu.

You must click twice within 2 seconds to confirm the action.