Login Options

To access CHUI, login using the same credentials you would use when you login to https://cyberhedgehogs.com

Note: Being logged into the website does NOT mean that you are logged in to CHUI, you have to login to CHUI to gain Full access to all of the features!
If your account was setup for you, contact your administrator for login assistance.

Note: While the website login does not enforce case sensitivity on Usernames, CHUI does. CHUI enforces making the first letter in your Username capital and the rest lowercase. If you don’t follow this login scheme, CHUI will correct it for you.

Username and Password login will grant you access to CHUI and allow you to:

Full accounts will also be able to: (Check with your administrator for unlocking this functionality)

Guest Mode login enables visitors to try CHUI without having a Full account. You will see the Guest Mode Popup at various points while playing CHUI reminding you that your functionality is limited.

Visit the Shop page to unlock Full Account access.